New Job List(full time)

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HA No. : 5540
Job type Academy
Location Daegu
Teacher's Level Required Bachelor
Teacher's Nationality ;Not Specified;
Teacher's Type Not Specified
Teacher's Gender Not Specified
Teacher's Age Not Specified
Teaching Level Elementary school, Middle School
Monthly Salary Offered 2.1-2.3 million won
Teaching Hours Per week 30 hours/week
Working Days Monday to Friday
Working Times 13 to 21 / lunch or dinner break is included.
Class Size 8 person(s)
Date Of Starting Work 2021.Jun.01
Air Fare Support One Way Ticket
Severance Pay Yes
Medical Insurance Support Support Half
Paid Vacation 10 day/year(12 months)
Paid Sick Days Not specified
Teaching Experience Required 0-2 years
No. Of Foreign Teacher Male 1 person(s) / Female 2 person(s)
Housing Single House
Distance From House To Academy Total 15 minutes / Subway 0 minutes / Bus 0 minutes / Walk 15 minutes
Comments 모두가 대화로 소통하며 지내는 편이라 학원 근무환경과 분위기가 매우 좋음. 일반적인 원어민 계약시수는 하루 300분 이지만 대부분의 수업은 150분~250분 사이에서 이루어짐. (계약-주30시간 때에따라 다르지만 실수업-평균주23시간) 나머지 시간은 수업준비 등으로 사용. 학원 규정만 잘 준수하면 자유로운 분위기에 재밌게 근무할 수 있음. 원어민들과 관리자의 사이가 좋아서 가끔 여행도 같이 다니고 주말에 바베큐 파티도 함.

학원 위치는 대구 동구 지역이며 신도시라 학원 5분 거리에 CGV 메가박스 등의 극장과 롯데아울렛 등의 쇼핑몰이 있어서 외지로 나가지 않아도 대부분 원하는 것을 할 수 있음. 버스로 25분 거리에 KTX 역이 있어 주말에 여행다니기 편함. 가까운 곳에 팔공산이 있어 다양한 카페를 방문 할 수 있고 주말에 간단한 등산 등을 할 수있음. 일부 강사들은 오전에 카페에서 만나서 책도 읽고 시간 보내다가 출근함.
Academy or House Photos


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  Just recommend Vivacom to your friends who want to work as ESL teachers in Korea, and our
  unique and simple marketing strategy called 'EI(Extra Income)System' will provide you with great
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Telephone Number:

▶ (IN Korea)
- Mobile : 010.7189.2071,

- Office : 070.4897.2071

▶ (Outside of Korea)
- Mobile : +82. 10.7189.2071 
            +82. 10.2215.2071
- Office : +82. 70.4897.2071

E-mail Address :
Andrew Wilson
January, 2012
Vivacom has helped me secure a great position with an excellent academy in Gyeonggido. I have been here since October, 2011 and been loving every minute of it. Right from the beginning I felt sincerity and honesty when dealing with Vivacom. They were always very quick to reply and provided a exceptionally professional service. I am very happy with my Hagwon, they were handpicked by Vivacom to suit my n...(continued)
David Case
September, 2011
I recently could get a good position in Incheon owing to VivaCom. I really appreciate it. The website of VivaCom was very helpful in answering many of my questions. I got a lot of information from VivaCom to find a good position. I am now a Viva member. I have already recommended VivaCom to three of my friends because VivaCom was incredibly helpful. They also realized how good the Extra Income System ...(continued)