Job Application

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JA No. : 6299
 Name *CL/Dewi
 Gender Female
 Age 31
 Marital Status Non-married CoupleAlex
 Hobby reading, puzzles, gaming
 Major subject prehistoric and roman archaeology
 Minor subject n/a
 Information On Your College or University -Name : bournemouth university
-Location : City(bournemouth) State(dorset) Country(UK)
 Teaching Certificate
(if you have)
 Degree You Have 3-Year BA/BS
 Nationality UK
 Date Of Starting Work 2024.Sep.02
 Desired Locations (osan, suwon, dongtan, cheonan)
 Desired Pay Per Month
 Type Of Housing Desired housing allowance
 Saturday Work Not specified
 Desired Teaching Levels Elementary school, Middle School, High School, College Students/Adults
 Teaching Experience 2 years of experience in Korea
6 years of experience in China
 Explain About Your Personality I'm a hardworking and reliable person that people tend to come to for advice. I try never to take my work home with me, and like to have a healthy work life balance


Telephone Number:

▶ (IN Korea)
- Mobile : 010.7189.2071,

- Office : 070.4897.2071

▶ (Outside of Korea)
- Mobile : +82. 10.7189.2071 
            +82. 10.2215.2071
- Office : +82. 70.4897.2071

E-mail Address :
Andrew Wilson
January, 2012
Vivacom has helped me secure a great position with an excellent academy in Gyeonggido. I have been here since October, 2011 and been loving every minute of it. Right from the beginning I felt sincerity and honesty when dealing with Vivacom. They were always very quick to reply and provided a exceptionally professional service. I am very happy with my Hagwon, they were handpicked by Vivacom to suit my n...(continued)
David Case
September, 2011
I recently could get a good position in Incheon owing to VivaCom. I really appreciate it. The website of VivaCom was very helpful in answering many of my questions. I got a lot of information from VivaCom to find a good position. I am now a Viva member. I have already recommended VivaCom to three of my friends because VivaCom was incredibly helpful. They also realized how good the Extra Income System ...(continued)