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아래의 명단에서 맘에 드는 강사를 클릭하시면 그 강사의 구체적인 프로필을 보실 수 있습니다.

JA No.    성별   
가능연    국적   
가능월    이름   

JA No. 강사 국적 나이 강의레벨 희망날짜 희망지역 현재상태 조회
South Africa 29 Kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle School, College Students/Adults 2024.Oct.09 Medium City
(Flexible )
채용가능 154
USA 24 Any level 2024.Sep.01 Big City
(seoul, busan, daegu, daejeon, and incheon)
채용가능 204
USA 24 Elementary school, Middle School, Any level 2024.Sep.02 Big City
(Seoul )
채용되었음 201
South Africa 32 Kindergarten, Elementary school 2024.Aug.01 Not specified 채용가능 165
USA 33 Kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle School, High School, College Students/Adults, Any level 2024.Aug.01 Not specified
(Seoul, Gyeonggi-do)
채용가능 214
South Africa 35 Kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle School 2024.Aug.01 Medium City
(cheonan, suwon , pyeongteak and Dongtan)
채용가능 144
6313 USA 46 Any level 2024.Aug.14 Big City
(Seoul, Jeju)
채용가능 138
South Africa 23 Kindergarten, Elementary school 2024.Jul.25 Not specified
(Flexible )
채용가능 140
South Africa 23 Kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle School 2024.Sep.01 Not specified 채용가능 155
South Africa 23 Kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle School, High School 2024.Sep.01 Not specified 채용가능 154

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게시물 날짜를 변경하여 위쪽으로 이동시킵니다. 게시물 작성자의 휴대폰 번호로 SMS를 전송 합니다. 게시물 작성자의 이메일 주소로 메일을 발송합니다. 검색된 게시물들을 엑셀로 다운로드 받습니다. 선택한 게시물을 한꺼번에 삭제합니다. 확인 없이 진행되므로 주의하세요.
Telephone Number:

▶ (IN Korea)
- Mobile : 010.7189.2071,

- Office : 070.4897.2071

▶ (Outside of Korea)
- Mobile : +82. 10.7189.2071 
            +82. 10.2215.2071
- Office : +82. 70.4897.2071

E-mail Address :
▶ eslvivacom@daum.net
Andrew Wilson
January, 2012
Vivacom has helped me secure a great position with an excellent academy in Gyeonggido. I have been here since October, 2011 and been loving every minute of it. Right from the beginning I felt sincerity and honesty when dealing with Vivacom. They were always very quick to reply and provided a exceptionally professional service. I am very happy with my Hagwon, they were handpicked by Vivacom to suit my n...(continued)
David Case
September, 2011
I recently could get a good position in Incheon owing to VivaCom. I really appreciate it. The website of VivaCom was very helpful in answering many of my questions. I got a lot of information from VivaCom to find a good position. I am now a Viva member. I have already recommended VivaCom to three of my friends because VivaCom was incredibly helpful. They also realized how good the Extra Income System ...(continued)